In this heartfelt story, we follow the remarkable journey of twin sisters, Ixtcel and Giselle, who have defied the odds to pursue a higher education. Tragically, their lives took a devastating turn when their mother was brutally murdered in 2014, leaving them in the care of their widowed father. A hardworking landscaper, their father struggled to provide for the family while navigating the deep grief of his loss.
This documentary captures the indomitable spirit of this family as they overcome immense heartache and financial hardship to ensure a brighter future for his daughters. It serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of education, the support of a community, and the strength of familial bonds that can triumph over tragedy.
Now that the girls are ready to attend college, Shop with a Cop is hoping to raise enough money to cover expenses that their financial aid will not cover. We hope you will consider making a donation.